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Carpathian Junior Hockey League is pleased to announce that in U16 Eagles division will participate 14 teams from 9 countries!

"Already during the previous season we have seen an increased interest of clubs in CJHL. It continued after it was over, and the truth is that we had to refuse some of them," said Peter Kločanka, director of CJHL and continue, "16 teams had serious interest to participate in this age category. We are very sorry that we cannot accept all of them, but we are limited. Two goups, each with 7 teams, is maximum what we can do now".

12 teams participated in this age category last season. Eight of them will continue also in upcoming season, next four unfortunatelly not. "Teams from Ogre (Latvia), Kalush (Ukraine), Galati (Romania) and Poland Select will not continue in the competition. All of them wanted to continue, but they cannot from different reasons. But I hope, in the future they will join us again," explained Peter Kločanka.

On the other hand, it opened possibilities for new clubs to join Carpathian Junior Hockey League. "We are very proud we can welcome 6 new teams in U16 category. Two of them already had some experiences with CJHL. DVTK Jegesmedvék Miskolc (Hungary) participated in first season of CJHL in common team with Debreceni Hoki Klub under name DebMis Select. SDUSHOR Minsk from Belarus attended CJHL as a guest team in the third round in Nowy Targ during previous season."

Two new teams come from Romania. Team based on the club Olimpia Ploiesti will be presented in the League under name "Romanian Dragons U16". Second representative of "Dracula´s country" will be KiralyPingvinek from Sfantu Gheorghe. Next two teams, together with Minsk, pushing the boundaries of Carpathian Junior Hockey League. It has already crossed the border of the Carpathian region in the previous season, but now is the expansion much more bigger. "Beside Belarusian Minsk, also next two newcomers spread the CJHL teritory to new countries. SK CSKA Sofia and "Baltu ainiai" Kaunas will represented Bulgaria and Lithuania," closed director of the League.

2019/2020 U16 Carpathian Junior Hockey League participants:

Kryzhynka Kyiv / Ukraine
HK Halycké Levy Novojavorivsk / Ukraine
HK Mládež Michlovce / Slovakia
MMKS Podhale Nowy Targ / Poland
STS UKS Niedzwiadki MOSiR Sanok / Poland
Debreceni Hoki Klub / Hungary
DVTK Jegesmedvék Miskolc / Hungary
Olimpia Ploiesti Dragons U16 / Romania
KiralyPingvinek / Romania
HK Partizan Beograd / Serbia
SDUSHOR Minsk / Belarus
SK CSKA Sofia / Bulgaria
"Baltu ainiai" Kaunas / Lithuania
