U18: Viktor Toryanyk - coach of SDYUSSHOR-2000 Kharkov

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Viktor Toryanyk (in the photo with world hockey legend Vladimir Jurzinov) is another of the coaches we will see during the season 2017/2018 on the bench of a newcomer to the Carpathian Junior Hockey League. He’ll be leading his team SDYUSSHOR-2000 Charkov in league games in the U18 category. 

How do you remember your hockey beginnings? Who got you started in hockey and where did you take your first steps in hockey?

I came to the stadium the first time with my older brother when I was six years old. Since I was the youngest in the group, the coach at first recommended that I come a year later. This didn’t discourage me, but at the beginning things weren’t easy. My desire to fight my way onto the “team” perhaps convinced the trainer, so he let me train together with my brother.

How did your hockey career develop? What do you consider as the greatest success in your playing career?

I played for the club SDYUSSHOR Charkov. We became champions in the adolescent category in the EEHL (East European Hockey League), where teams from Belarus, Latvia, Poland and Ukraine played. As 16-year old I began to regularly play for the A-team of HK Barvinok Charkov, with which I got a silver medal at the Ukrainian championships, when we lost in the final to Sokol Kyjev, which at that time was practically the national representation team. When I was 17 I wanted to “conquer” Belarus, where I won the “farm teams” competition with the team HK Mogiľov. Then I returned to Ukraine. I got 2 bronze medals with HK Charkov. It is difficult to choose the greatest success. Behind each one, even a small medal, is a lot of hard work. So, I appreciate everything, even these small successes.

When did you begin with coaching? Did you plan to become a trainer during your active playing career? Where have you worked as a coach?

I began coaching in 2006, while still an active player for HK Charkov. The whole of my coaching career so far I have been loyal to SDYUSSHOR Charkov. I began with recruitment for preparation (players born in 1999/2000) and I am still working with those boys today. I always wanted to coach young players. My father, who was a wrestling coach, was my role model.

Do you have a coach-idol? What style of hockey do you prefer as a coach?

There are a lot of good coaches. I try to take the good from each of them and to go my own coaching way. I like fast and powerful hockey, that is, the modern style of play.

And the best moment of your coaching career so far?

The best moment is when the team wins and it gives joy to the coach, to parents and to the fans.

What would you like to achieve as a coach? Do you have any dreams for your coaching career?

As a coach, I would always like to improve and to win. I have several coach’s dreams (with a smile). I would like to win and to defend the Stanley Cup, win the KHL, the World Championships and the Olympic Games. These are my dreams.

What goals do you have upon entering the Carpathian Junior Hockey League?

The goal and task for us in the CJHL is to develop young hockey players in the scope of the European competition and to prepare candidates for the junior representation selection of Ukraine. Last but not least, we want to succeed in every game and play nice hockey.

Do you think that such an international competition can help young players in their hockey-related growth?

Every competition helps young athletes to develop their talent and personality. Quality games always give the opportunity for getting better. So, we anticipate and we very much rely on the fact that the CJHL helps our young players become better.


The best player ever: Valeriy Kharlamov
The best active player: Sidney Crosby
Your most favourite hockey team: Detroit Red Wings (because the "Russian line" played there)
Your most favourite sport (exc. hockey): basketball and handball
Your most favourite sportsman: Igor Larionov, "professor"


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