Interview with CJHL Ambassador

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Earlier we informed you that Rastislav Staňa, a former excellent ice hockey goalie, has become the Ambassador of the Carpathian Junior Hockey League. Now we are bringing you a short interview with him.

You didn’t last long without hockey after completing your active career. You are involved in several activities which are closely linked with hockey. Were you planning things this way as an active player, or is this a result of the fact that it is difficult after so many years to leave hockey behind?

Even as a player I thought in my last years about what I would focus on when my career is over, and I knew that I would at least try coaching goalkeepers. It is something I did for 25 years; I very much enjoy it, and I am glad to pass along my own experiences. I also had an offer to do some commentary for RTVS and for me it is very interesting to see hockey from a different point of view.

Most recently you became the Ambassador for the Carpathian Junior Hockey League. What led to your getting involved with the CJHL?

During my own activities, the aim of which is to help Slovak goalkeepers and to start a new system of preparation for them, I met with representatives of the CJHL in eastern Slovakia. They introduced this league to me and approached me with the possibility of becoming its Ambassador, which I was very happy to accept.

What is your opinion on this international competition, or on international youth tournaments in general? Do you welcome such activities?

I certainly welcome such international confrontations, and it’s even better that this is no one-time tournament but a regular competition which helps all the participating countries.

Can foreign competition help our young players progress?

It is absolutely good, if you don’t only compare your strength and abilities on the domestic level but also with foreign competition, which helps you progress and improve more quickly.

What would you, as Ambassador for the CJHL, like to see for the league itself as well as its players?

For the CJHL itself I hope that it lasts as long as possible, that it have as many countries and clubs as possible involved in it, which would help the growth in its quality. For the players I wish them a lot of experience in these games with each other so that they progress as quickly as possible and likewise that they get to know new people and make new friendships on the international ice.

Photos: facebook Rastislav Staňa (title photo author: Ondrej Bobek)


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