U16: Serhii Poimanov, goals and points leader

Uverejnil: cjhl
Prečítané: 2956x

After third round of Carpathian Junior Hockey League U16 we spoke with Sehii Poimanov (SDYUSSHOR-2002 Kharkov), actual Goals and Points Leader of CJHL U16.

Tell us something about your hockey beginnings. How did you get into hockey and where did you take your first hockey steps?

Once our school visited "Druzhba-78" team coach and proposed to come to their training. After the first training on the ice I have found a great interest to this game ( I mean hockey).

Do you still remember your first coaches? Can you highlight some of the trainers who have had a major impact on your hockey growth?

My first coach was Barankovski Alexander Nikolaevich. He put me on the skates and gave me a hockey-stick. Later I changed the team to "SDYUSHOR-2001". There a team coach was Kurakin Vladimir Anatolievich. He influenced on my hockey abilities in the future.

Do you have a hockey idol or a favourite hockey team?

Yes, Nikita Kucherov and Nikita Gusev, and my favourite team is "Toronto Maple Leafs".

What would you like to achieve in hockey? Do you have a hockey dream?

I would like to play in the Ukrain's United Team on the World Championship.

If you didn't played hockey, is there another sport you would have devoted yourself to?

I do not even know, what sport I would like to go in for, except hockey.

The Carpathian Junior Hockey League is going to final round. What are your impressions from this competition?

Good experience of confrontation with coevals from other countries.

After second round you become the Points and Goals leader of CJHL U16. In first 3 rounds you scored 27-times. What is the secret of your shooting skills?

There aren't any secrets. During the training I spend a lot of time with shooting, that helps to score the goals.

Also your team is doing well in CJHL. After three rounds you are at the top of the standings without any loss. Did you expect this at the start of the season?

We prepared to CJHL seriously, that brought its result in future.

The season is slowly coming to the end. What would you like to achieve, what will satisfy you in the end of season?

It would be desirable to finish the season without defeat and heave up the cup for CJHL U16 Champions above the head.

After season is time to take some rest. Do you already have some plans for summer?

I haven't had any plans yet, but probably I will prepare to the next season.

(the interview was provided in English)
