Best goal of first round CJHL

Uverejnil: Peter
Prečítané: 3075x

Choose "The best goal" of first round of Carpathian Junior Hockey League and win!

We prepared for you video with 13 goals of first round of CJHL. You could vote and choose the Best goal. Everybody who send a vote, could win souvenirs with logo of CJHL.

Video with best goals you will find on Youtube channel of Carpathian Junior Hockey League.

How you could vote?

Send us an email on Táto e-mailová adresa je chránená pred spamovacími robotmi. Na jej zobrazenie potrebujete mať nainštalovaný JavaScript.

To "email subject" write "best goal" and to email please write number of goal that is the best according to you, your name and town, where you live. From one email address you could send only one vote!

Till when you could vote?

Till midnight of 20. November.

What you could win?

On 25th of November, we will choose by lot 6 of you. This six lucky fans will win T-shirt and baseball cap with logo of Carpathian Junior Hockey League.

What will win the "The best goal" scorer?

Player, that shoot "The best goal" according to your voting, will be awarded by League management and Partners of Carpathian Junior Hockey League. 
