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As well as in Trebišov, also in Kalush we prepared for players SKILLS COMPETITION. During the last round of CJHL Eagles division (April, 11-13) had players, from teams that participated in "final standing" group, chance to show their abilities in 5 different competitions.

Evening started with "Team Relay Race". Four skaters and one goalie from each team joined this event. The best performance was showed by Gladiators Gloria Galati represented by: Rares Nedelcu, Mykyta Soroka, Maxim Secrieri, Artyem Kirnos and Razvan Neacsu (G). Home team, RCYSS HC Legion Kalush, finished on second place and HK Mládež Michalovce on the third.

"Puck Control" event includes three skills: (1) Stickhandling, where a skater controls a puck through a series of eight barriers; (2) Cone Control, where a skater controls a puck through a series of eight cones in a zig-zag formation; and (3) Bucket, where a skater must put puck into the bucket. Roberts Vitols from HC Ogre Juniors became a winner with the fastest time, 29,03 s. Second was Maxim Secrieri (29,34) and on the third position finished Kamil Rohaľ from Michalovce (32,78):

"Longest Save Streak" was the goalies competition. The longest saves streak, 7, was made by Linards Feldbergs (HC Ogre Juniors). On the second position were Stanislav Stefaniv (Kalush) and Franciszek Zrebiec (Sanok) both with 5 consecutive saves.

In "Accuracy Shooting" players had 12 pucks shooting on the 5 hole target in the net. Each sucessfull shot meaned points - bottom holes 1 point, upper holes 2 points and middle hole 3 points. Two extra points was added in case that player shooted each hole at least once. Marcel Karnas from Sanok became a winner with 8 points. Second place belongs to Mykyta Soroka from Gladiators Gloria (6) and the third to Kevins Strädnieks from Ogre (5).

The last competition was the "Hardest Shot". Two players from each team shoted two pucks. The strongest shot in Kalush was presented by Maxim Secrieri. Pucks from his sticks had speed 126 and 127 km/h. His teammate, Sergiy Nikulin, shooted his pucks at speed 123 and 121 km/h.

Video from Skills competition you could find on youtube channel of Carpathian Junior Hockey League. Skills competition was sponsored by MULTI šport Michalovce
