Second round of CJHL

Uverejnil: Peter
Prečítané: 2877x

On Sunday evening (November, 27th) we finished second round of Carpathian Junior Hocky League in Sanok. 

In opening game won Gladiators with Trebišov 7:6 and got their first points in CJHL. Trebišov was very close to get some points in the game against Sanok, but they lost in dramatic game 1:2. Also in other games they lost, so they have to wait till last game. In slovakian "derby" they beat Michalovce 2:1 after shootout.

Players of the Romanian team showed a significant improvement over the first round, but that was not enough to make some other points. Especially, in games against Michalovce (1:3) and Sanok (2:3) they were very close to win.

Team DebMis Select moved in CJHL standings on fourth place, thanks to their wins against Galati and Trebišov. Home team, Niedzwiadki Sanok lost in their first game of second round 1:11 with Novojavorivsk. But after this high lost they won all other games and after their win with Michalovce (2:1 after shooout), Sanok changed Michalovce on second place of CJHL standings.

HK "Halycké Levy" Novojavorivsk won all games of second round and they strengthened its position as leader of CJHL. They were close to lost first points in CJHL season in the game against DebMis Select. Hungarian players were very strong opponents. Unfortunately, they lost in very nice game 2:3.

Best Goal scorer of second round of CJHL became Vladyslav Braha (HK "Halycké Levy" Novojavorivsk) with 7 goals. The same number of goals scored also his team-mate, Valentyn Mykytyuk, but Vladyslav has higher number of goals assists, so he was decorated as the Goals leader of second round.

During Closing ceremony was also the winner of voting for "The Best goal of first round" rewarded. Hockey stick from League management won Vladyslav Braha. His goal gots 141 votes from fans.

The cup for placement in the second round of the Carpathian Junior Hockey League were passed by Representatives of the League, president of the organizing club, Mr. Marcin Cwikla and Mr. Ľuboš Halama, director of DGSA Consulting, Ltd., which is the main partner of the Carpathian Junior Hockey League in season 2016/2017.

Big thanks goes to Niedzwiadki Sanok, organizing club, for very professional organization of second round. Thank you and see you soon in Novojavorivsk!
