First day of third round

Uverejnil: Peter
Prečítané: 3573x

First day of third round of Carpathian Junior hockey league already finished. In opening game, Gladiators from Galati achieved their second victory in CJHL. As well as in second round, they find way how to beat MŠKM TREBIŠOV. Game finished with result 4:1 for Gladiators, which showed more desire to win.

Second game between HK Mládež Michalovce and DebMis Select was long time balanced. Michalovce scored winning goal in last minute during penalty play 5 on 4. They won 3:2 and get 3 points in CJHL standings.

Programm of first day continues with Opening ceremony. On the ceremony were presented important people from social and political life of Lviv region. This fact show us the great interest of hockey and CJHL as well in this west ukrainian region. After several speaches of present guests, come on ice players of CJHL teams. On ceremony we missed team from
Sanok, becasue of their problems on the road. Opening ceremony was finished with Ukrainian anthem.

Team of Sanok arrived close to their game against HK „Halycké Levy“. Home team catch this oportunity and shooted three goals in first minutes of the game. Second period was without goals, and final result 5:1 for Levy stronger their position as a leader of CJHL. Niedzwiadki from Sanok fall on third position. On second place is now team from Michalovce with 11 poins lost on Levy. They could „cut“ from it tomorrow in mutual game against home team.

Whole oragnization of third round is on very professional level and home team deserve the best ranking for it. We are very happy also for fans interest, especially on the game of home team was arena almost full. We hope that also next two days will be so great and fans will find the way to arena during next 12 games of second round.

Photo: from
