Uverejnil: cjhl
Prečítané: 1347x


As we informed you in the morning, today started 3.round of Carpathian Junior Hockey League. Unfortunately, only 5 teams take part in this round. 

"This round was scheduled on February 18-20, and had to be in Novojavorivsk, Ukraine. We had to pstponed it. Teams didn´t want to travel to Ukraine, because of situation taht was there with Russian army on the border. MMKS Podhale offered, that we can organise it in Nowy Targ on March 11-13. We started working for it, but as we know, war started and our plans changed again," explained Peter Kločanka, CJHL director and continued: "As first I thought, that there will be no teams from Ukraine on this event. Now as we can see, we have two ukrainians teams there. On the other hand, teams from Serbia and Romania didn´t arrived because of parents worries. What we fully understand and we respect it."

Two temas from Ukraine are HK Halycke Levy Novojavorivsk and "Ukrainian Select Team". HK Halycke Levy find their "home" in those hard times in Krynica-Zdrój. "Yes. We are very happy for them. They got offer from UKS KTH Krynica to come there and stay there. They offered them accomodation, food and ice for practice. All costs are covered by UKS. Club from Krynica is first year in CJHL, but as we can see now, and also before during organization of CJHL U12 in Krynica-Zdrój, we found in this club very good, reliable and especially the human partner."

Second team is composed of players who came to Poland from different parts of Ukraine. "Thanks to Fundacja Rozwoju Hokeja, STS UKS Niedzwiadki and all people there for they care of this kids. They found also hockey equipment for them, offered them place for living and food for free. As we were looking for teams for third round in Nowy Targ, we got this idea and now they are there, in Nowy Targ and do, what they love," added CJHL director.

Transport cost of both teams are coverd by Carpathian Junior Hockey League and Fundacja Rozwoju Hokeja. Accomodation in Nowy Targ is provided for these teams for free by MMKS Podhale Nowy Targ and parents of their players.

Together with those two teams and home team MMKS, are in Nowy Targ also JKH GKS Jastrzębie-Zdrój and HK Poprad. On Friday and Saturday are on schedule games of CJHL 3.round, playing by round-robin system. On Saturday there is one special event on schedule.

"As I was thinking about playing format for this weekend, I decided to do something special. On Saturday we will organize CJHL Tournament For Peace. During all day, tere will be money collection for Ukrainian kids. In the end of the day, Carpathian Junior Hockey League will offer to them 1 EURO, for each fan which will be on the final game," closed Peter Kločanka.


9.20   MMKS Podhale Nowy Targ - HK Halytske Levy Novojavorivsk (semi-final 1)

10.40   JKH GKS Jastrzębie-Zdrój - Ukrainian Select Team (semi-final 2)


