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In the end of the week, final round of U12 Carpathian Junior Hockey League will held in Krynica-Zdrój. To Krynica will come 4 CJHL member teams and 2 guest teams.

"For sure, it would be better if we can welcome all 7 CJHL teams there, but we must accept actual situation. Teams from Serbia will not come for the same reasons as for the third round, parents worries because of war are still strong," explained director of CJHL, Peter Kločanka and continued "I was in contact also with team of Kryzhynka Kyiv. Huge part of the team is together in Latvia and it looked they can arrive. I was in connection with club director. Unfortunately, they will not arrive and I am not going to speculate about the reasons at this moment."

Situation in the group looks clear after third round. There is not too much possibilities, that UKS KTH will not become a Champion of 2021/2022 season. In fact there is only one possibility how they can lost CJHL title in last round. Only if they lost all six games, and Podhale will win in all games. Due to fact, that Kryzhynka couldn´t participated in third and fourth round, KTH lost strongest oponent. "We are sorry for that. I am sure, KTH would be more happy and satisfy, if they need to fight for it harder," said CJHL director.

So how will be the last round of U12 category? Is there something to play for?

"We invited poland select team "Festival Hokeja" as a guest team. And we also try to put together ukrainians players who are now all over the Europe. Our challenge met with a great response and I think we could make also two teams, but we are limited also by housing possibilities. Lot of players are now away from their homes and from their families, but even if it is very hard time for them, they still have strong desire to play hockey."

So as we can see, 6 teams will take part in final round. It means, we will see 18 games during three days. All results will be count into CJHL final standings. "Even that the situation on first place is clear, there will be still something to play for. Podhale and FRH will fight for silver position, team from Galati for first win in the season. We also don't know the quality of "Festival Hokeja" team. And I am sure, it will be very interesting to watch how will perform guys of "Ukrainian Select", which in most cases never played together before," approached expectations from the final round director of CJHL.

To the end, just need to be say, that CJHL decided also to reward fourth round as a sepatate tournament. So there is another set of gold medals waiting for their winner...


standings U12 3 round

