KA151-YOU - Accredited projects for youth mobility
"BEING WELL, DOING WELL" project with No. 2022-1-BG01-KA151-YOU-000062657 has been launched, which is implemented by Sports Club "CSKA - Hockey", Bulgaria in partnership with "Karpatská mládežnícka hokejová liga", Slovakia.
The main goal of the project is aimed at bringing together international experience and know-how to popularize sports as a consolidating factor contributing to the development of young people in modern society and building them as knowledgeable and capable individuals, capable of working for the better development of their communities.
The specific objectives of the project are aimed at:
• Strengthening the capacity of sports clubs to initiate and implement activities aimed at raising awareness in the European community about the need of young people for regular physical activities;
• Increasing public sensitivity regarding the declining physical activity of young people and deterioration of the quality of their social life, as a result of the increasing role of digitization and the increasingly widespread use of digital devices;
• Countering aggression, hate speech, discrimination and antisocial behavior among young people, by engaging them in beneficial and personality-building activities;
• Acquisition of key skills by young people, aimed at building them as capable individuals, possessing the necessary skills to promote positive change in society and reduce antisocial manifestations and psychological harassment among adolescents.
• Creation of good practices to promote the international transfer of knowledge and skills, aimed at modernizing sports programs and shifting the emphasis to the development of the personality, and not only to the development of technical sports skills.
• Initiation of special information campaigns aimed at popularizing sports as a method of preventing early school leaving, combating discrimination and marginalization of young people, achieving good health and well-being.
Implementation period of the project "BEING WELL, DOING WELL"
01.06.2022 - 31.08.2023
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.