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CJHL AND F.H."Fair-Play"S.C

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We are pleased to announce, that company F.H."Fair-Play"S.C became a partner of Carpathian Junior Hockey League. Company is official representative of hockey trademark Warrior in Poland. 

"Fair-Play, a representative of Warrior in Poland, a partner of the Fundacja Rozwoju Hokeja (FRH) for several years, has decided to become a partner of the Carpathian Junior Hockey League in the 2024/2025 season! Thanks to this, the winner of the CJHL U15 this season, the winner of the CJHL U15 will receive €2,500 worth of Warrior hockey gear," explained the details of the cooperation Mr. Krysztof Czech, president of FRH and CJHL vice-president.

CJHL U15 teams will have the closest chance to fight for points in the table during the next two weekends. First, the teams of the "blue" group (November, 15-17) and a week later the teams of the "red" group (November, 22-24) will present in Krynica.


warrior fair play

