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Carpathian Junior Hockey League is proud to announce the next team of 2021/2022 season!

Is the first time, in 6 seasons history of CJHL, that team from Krynica-Zdrój joined Carpathian Junior Hockey League. Krynica-Zdrój is a Polish spa town located in the Lesser Poland, close to the Slovak border. Team UKS KTH will participate in U12 category.

„As club, with almost 100 years of tradicion in hockey, we are glad to join CJHL. We expect to improve our skills in next season by playing against teams from other countries, like Slovakia, Ukraine and Serbia. We have many talented players in U12 category and we want to give them an opportunity to play more games on higher level," said Tomasz Ferek, President of UKS KTH Krynica-Zdrój.

"We believe, that with team from Krynica, the league gained not only a nice, spa town with quality hockey facilities, but also a good team that wants to improve. We are glad that club management consider participating in CJHL as one of the ways to give their players the opportunity to grow," Peter Kločanka, CJHL director.
